Induced Learning

'Induced learning' is compelled learning where the learner's initially-unintended learning is associated with some other learner intention.

Image of induced learning Learning Worthwhile education Research (Disciplined Inquiry) Induced Learning Accidental Learning Discovery Learning Compelled Learning Education Effective Education

'Stimulus-response learning', 'classical conditioning', and 'behavior modification' are synonyms for 'induced learning'.

For comparison, see: conducive learning, discovery learning, and accidental learning.

For 'induced learning', a teacher guides the formation of mental structures originally not intended by a learner who instead intends to achieve something else. Note that we are not referring to a student here.

'Induced learning' is what psychologists refer to as Pavlovian Conditioning or Classical Conditioning. It is the way rats are trained to run a maze, or to press a bar after a particular stimulus is presented, where the reward is typically food if they respond the way the trainer intends.

A further example of 'induced learning' is when a person learns what a teacher wants him or her to learn, not because the learner initially intends so, but rather because the learner intends to achieve something else (e.g., a high grade, teacher praise, social acceptance, avoidance of humiliation or punishment, future gratification, improved social status).

'Induced learning' is also the kind of learning that clever marketing methods try to bring about--to guide a person to associate a product or service being advertised with something else that she or he desires, such as satisfaction of basic human needs (e.g., food, sex, pleasure, safety, companionship), high social status, success, recognition, attractiveness, wealth, empowerment, etc.